Welcome to Oak Hollow Techniteer Troupe PAGE!
Here we have fun, we learn and we grow as Techniteers! Check out the fun other Techniteer troupes have been having with the movie below. This session we are doing art and animation with Google CS First curriculum followed up with special sphero projects. Check out the other video below to see what it's about. Hope you can join us!
-Mrs Bailey
Here we have fun, we learn and we grow as Techniteers! Check out the fun other Techniteer troupes have been having with the movie below. This session we are doing art and animation with Google CS First curriculum followed up with special sphero projects. Check out the other video below to see what it's about. Hope you can join us!
-Mrs Bailey
The purpose of our Tech Troupe is to provide a fun, engaging environment for students to learn computer science and other technology skills. Students in grades four and five at Oak Hollow are invited to apply to participate in our tech troupe. We have some fun things planned including creating and presenting Movie Magic and Sphero Programming Boot Camp! We will meet on the following dates: March 7, 14, 21, 28, April (no class during spring break), 11, 18, 25, May 2 All meetings will be from 3:45-4:45 after school. Space is limited!! Please fill out an online application (link below) if you haven't already done so. APPLICATION DEADLINE IS FEBRUARY 28TH @ 4PM. DON'T WAIT! You will be contacted if you made it into this sessions troupe by that evening.
OAK HOLLOW Tech Troupe Expectations: In order to provide a safe environment for students to learn, explore and work, behavior expectations must be met. Students should behave in a way that comports with the behavior expectations and guidelines of the school. If student behavior in tech troupe is not deemed safe, respectful, and responsible, a student may be asked to leave and lose the privilege of participation in tech troupe. Please know that consistent participation is also a must for success in tech troupe. Students who miss more than two sessions in a 4 week period will relinquish their spot to a student on the waiting list. Students are responsible for their own transportation home. Please make sure students are picked up promptly at 4:45pm in front of the school. SPRING TECH TROUPE APPLICATION |